Monday, April 20, 2009

Norfolk Zoo

The kids had been asking for several months to check out the local zoo. Funny, after years in San Diego, with yearly passes to their world-famous zoo and wild animal park, you would think these smaller zoos would be a disappointment - but not my kiddos. They love any zoo, no matter how small. The Honolulu Zoo was a fun place for them, and the Norfolk Zoo is no different.

the Norfolk Zoo's famous lion twins, born right here

This gazelle was just looking for a fight with this giraffe!

How fun - you can get right in the middle of this prairie dog town!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Back in January we joined Homeschool Day at Nauticus, a Naval museum in Norfolk. We had never been to this museum before, and we sure enjoyed it!

The boy is fascinated with anything mechanical.

They got to touch a shark! How cool is that?

Look out! There's a great white shark behind you!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ministry Project

I've always taken the kids along whenever we've been involved in ministry work, even as babies. They've grown up knowing all about working with the elderly, poor, and homeless. They've all had stages where they've protested, and even now they often groan when we announce a project, because they'd rather be playing games or watching a movie. But, when they actually get to a place where we're doing ministry, they always pitch in and help with little to no complaining.

Our church recently went through the 40 Days of Community program from Pastor Rick Warren, and they asked the home groups to pick a project to work with. Our group chose People in Need, a homeless ministry. They need help keeping their clothing and other supplies organized and ready for distribution, and we were glad to help. We brought the kids along, hoping they could find something useful to do.

Well, they managed to outdo the adults in our group! While we were sorting clothes and labeling bins, they quickly sorted six large cases of toiletry kits, stacked and boxed the items, then moved on to sort and stack several large boxes of hotel soaps and shampoos. What a team!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I'm moving from my old blog site, Classical Education in Paradise, to fit in with all the changes going on in my life. With our recent move from Hawai'i to Virginia, my health battles (which finally seem to be over, praise God), and our fruitless home search, it seemed time to start anew. And what better time than spring!

So, welcome. I hope you enjoy our school posts, laughter, politics, and general life events. Please, comment away!