Wednesday, October 3, 2012

An Encouragement

Wow, I've neglected this blog for a while. Sorry!

A new homeschooler moved to our neighborhood recently. She came to me for homeschooling advice, and we met several times. She was so impressed with Tapestry of Grace that she borrowed my copy, and decided to use it this year. She also came to our church, and loves it, as well!

I received this email from her yesterday:

I feel a little guilty enjoying the freedom of homeschooling. When you said I would enjoy homeschooling once I pulled away from Traditional schooling. I didn't realize just how much I would enjoy it. :) Though I catch myself wanting to compare and contrast with other families...the Lord softly whispers...don't do it! He assures me that we are on the right path for our family. I love hearing how so many families in cooperate so many subjects into one. I am still in such awe. The Lord getting me closer to his goal, Sheri. I am a slow learner. :) Thank the Lord he never gives up on me ( like we sang in praise and worship). :) If my hubby was here we would totally join yours and your hubby's small group. It sounds great. Maybe the next time. :) I am looking forward to joining the small group unglued. It's fitting for the season I am in. 

  Well, just a couple of praise I'd like to share since you homeschool and would understand me sharing these great news. I am seriously loving stepping out of the traditional schooling mindset. When a part of me feels the pressure that I may not be doing enough....I thinks  back to the lesson planning 101 from TOG that discussed making realistic goals, because each family and their situation is different. My children and I love TOG. They draw things they learn about Egypt to send to my husband. They enjoy sharing facts with friends and families that they have learned through reading or read alouds. They also reenact things they remember from reading. Our daughter wants to dress up as Cleopatra for harvest fest. :) The greatest thing is they are enjoying learning. Remember I told my oldest lacked confidence in reading...well now she is requesting to do the read alouds. My son mastered tying shoe laces. He struggled and was discouraged regarding tying his shoes since last year. Well this morning...he did it. I know that sounds petty but that's huge in my mind as well as my son's. I know you know how that feels. It's such a blessing to watch them truly master things and not just memorize things. I am so thankful not to have the pressure of turning in grades to Abeka. Not only are my children happy learning but I am too. 
What a blessing to hear her successes! Even though I was the original encourager, this ended up encouraging me.
Here is the song she is referring to, that we sang at church this week. I hope it blesses you as well!