Thursday, June 25, 2009

Quote of the Day

From Family Driven Faith by Voddie Baucham:

Modern American dating is no more than glorified divorce practice. Young people are learning how to give themselves away in exclusive, romantic, highly committed (at times sexual) relationships, only to break up and do it all over again. God never intended for His kids to live like this. And instead of stepping in and doing something, many Christian parents simply view these types of relationships as a normal and necessary part of growing up. Unless your child is wiser than Solomon, stronger than Samson, and more godly than David (all of whom sinned sexually), they are susceptible to sexual sin, and these premature relationships serve as open invitations.


  1. Stephanie would agree with you wholeheartedly. She said she thought dating was practice for divorce. She is happily married after betrothal/courtship.

    Kathy P.

  2. I've been following her on FB - she seems to have grown into quite the young lady. Good job Pethtels!

  3. This is a great quote, Sheri! More people need to get this message about their daughters! Thanks for sharing~Teresa

  4. Thanks for sharing this! The message needs to get out for other parents to realize how to train their sons & daughters for marriage.

  5. Fabulous quote! A message that needs to be sounded throughout the church. What will it take for us to wake up?

  6. Peggy, Mr. Baucham was the keynote speaker at HEAV last year. He was wonderful!
