Anyway, the first step of this experiment consisted of soaking a raw egg in vinegar. This dissolves the shell while leaving the semipermeable membrane intact. Osmosis allowed water from the vinegar solution to pass through, swelling the egg.
In the next step, the egg is now soaked in corn syrup. Now, osmosis causes water from the egg to move out of the membrane, which causes the egg to shrink and dimple.
In the final step, the egg in soaked in distilled water. Once again, the water passes into the egg through the membrane, causing the egg to again swell.
At this stage, the egg looked and felt like a bouncy ball, and the yolk was barely visible. The membrane was tougher than at the beginning of the experiment, but was still breakable.
There was another experiment on diffusion, so we could see the difference between osmosis and diffusion. We didn't get any pictures of the other experiment.
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